Hofacker 0185 – Commodore 64 Tune-up

Hofacker-Bücher – Nr. 185 – Autor Ekkehard Floegel
1. Auflage – Erscheinungsjahr 1984 – ISBN 3-88963-185-1
- Introduction
- Hardware Extensions via the USER-Port
- The CIA 6526
- Programming the I/O Ports
- Switching On and Off External Devices
- Switching a LED
- Controlling several LED´s simultanously
- Controlling of a Relay
- Control of an Opto-Isolator
- Using the USER-Port for Input
- Key-Input
- Light Sensor
- An Acoustic Sensor
- Programming the Timer
- Square Wave at PB6
- Measuring the Duration of a Pulse and a Periode
- Programming the Time of Day Clock
- The Analog Digital Converter UA9708
- The CIA 6526
- Hardware Extensions Using the Expansion Port
- Connection of the ADC AD7574
- Measuring the Temperature with the Sensor STP 35
- Drawing Measured Values on the Screen
- The Pressure Transducer SP10
- Connecting a CIA 6526 to the Expansion Bus
- Connection of the DAC ZN428E
- Using a Digital Analog Converter for Analog Digital Conversion
- Using the ROM Area for Expansion
- Connecting the EPROM 2732
- Decoding for more I/O Devices
- The 6526 I/O Board
- Connecting the 12 Bit ADC 1210
- Appendix
- A – Basics of Operational Amplifiers
- B – Basics of AD and DA Converters
- C – RS232 Interface
- D – RS232 Kit for the C64
- E – Some Interesting Applications of BLIZTEXT
- F – Transfer of Textfiles
- G – An Overview of the Connectors for the C64
- H – FORTH Reference Card